A few days ago, I set a rat glue trap lo catch the rats who had invaded our home and established squatter settlements behind the walls and in the ceilings. Some would walk around the house like they had property titles.
As vagrants, the entire rat population relied on illegal means to survive, their main activity was stealing food from the kitchen and eating through things in the house.
The other night, a huge rat in search of food in the kitchen got stuck in the trap I set up under the table. The unfortunate bastard probably didn’t see the danger and walked into its demise.
I heard squealing from the kitchen so I knew I had caught a thief, but when I saw it, I couldn’t bring myself to kill it so I let it go. I watched as it dragged itself into the hole in the wall with glue plastered all over its fur.
After freeing the rat, its other relatives raided the kitchen late that night and ate through our bag of rice. I was mad as hell and regretted freeing that thief. The smart guys carefully evaded my trap.
Tonight, another big rat got stuck in the trap. I was outside the house but I could hear it struggling to free itself and its squealing. I quickly grabbed a long piece of wood and ran into the house and straight into the kitchen. I went to where the trap was and there it was; arms, feet and tail stuck in the glue. I noticed it was a male as its big balls were hanging out. I thought well I let one go yesterday but I’m killing this one tonight to teach this rats a lesson.
No one gets away after raiding my kitchen.
As I was about to plant the wood on his back, he looked at me and gave that “Have mercy, mercy please” look. I was about to put the wood down and set it free but all of a sudden, a cold anger overcame me when I remembered the times he and his illegal immigrants stole food from our kitchen and ate through our belongings and with the words ‘crime does not pay”, I brought down the wood on him and broke his back. The poor bastard gave a faint squeal and died a painful death.
I stood over his lifeless corpse and gave a slight grin. I felt like a big man having killed a thief but that sense of pride went away quickly and in its place, came guilt. A great sense of guilt fell upon me as I stared down at the lifeless body of the rat still stuck in the glue. I killed a defenceless rat, where is the honour in that?, It was like kicking a man while he’s down or shooting a man who is blindfolded or stabbing a man with his arms tied behind his back.
He couldn’t defend himself, I felt like a coward. A overwhelming sadness and sorrow crept in as I remembered his family. He must have been a hardworking father who was just grinding so he could feed his family and here I felt like an ass killing the provider and head of a family who was defenceless and helpless. I bet his family heard his squealing, I bet the mother told her children to cover their ears so as not to hear their dad’s suffering. I bet in his final moments, the rat had in family in mind. I remember the rat’s faint squeal before moving on to the afterlife. If there is a rat paradise, he is probably there munching on a big piece of cheese or chicken. He’s probably walking on grains of rice on the highway to rat paradise.
His squeals must have been a warning to his family, to keep away from the sticky stuff that had food on it under the table.
Shame, that’s what I felt. Poor creature, he had a long life to live, he probably had enough sperm in him to produce another thousand rats but I took that away from him. He probably had mad genes to produce a rat who would one day invent a machine to enslave the human race and rule them.
Looking at him, guilt made me pick him up gently and cover him with an A4 paper. I went outside and beside the flowers, dug a shallow grave and there, I gave him a proper burial fitting for a hustler.
I knew his family were watching from a safer distance as I lay him into the dirt for my sixth sense told me there were people watching.
I hope none of you get caught in the trap, stay in your holes or avoid the glue if you ever come out. I do not want to take a life, I’m not a barbarian or a savage. I was not cut out for taking a life, whether it be human or animal. Do not put me in such situation. I should be part of the Jain religion that preaches and practices the principles of non-violence and respect for all living things.
I don’t want to kill anybody’s father, mother or son. There must be kinder dispositions in far off gentler lands free of carnage where both creatures of nature can coexist peacefully.
I know the warnings are clear, to the rat tribe who lost a family member tonight, I know you’re in mourning and probably plotting a revenge/ payback and some of you are probably reading this post. I know what you all are capable of.
I’ve watched Ratatouille and Flushed Away including every other Movies that involved rats. I know you all capable of doing things we humans do. I know you are on Facebook too. Read this post and take precautions.
This is a true story!