Excerpt from the Constitutional Planning Committee Report, 1974

We see the darkness of neon lights.  We see the despair and loneliness in urban cities.  We see the alienation of man from man that is the result of the present machine orientated economy. 

We see true social security and man’s happiness being diminished in the name of economic progress.  We caution therefore that large-scale industries should be pursued only after very careful and thorough consideration of the likely consequences upon the social and spiritual fabric of our people. 

Great emphasis, we believe, should be given to small-scale, artisan services and business activity.  That man should live decently in conditions fitting to his dignity is an objective we cherish. 

We believe that that humanity can be achieved in simplicity.  There is overwhelming evidence to suggest that a significant number of people who live by the fruits of multi-million dollar multi-national corporations live in misery, loneliness and spiritual poverty. 

We believe that since we are a rural people, our strength should be essentially the land and the use of our innate artistic talents.