By Sasindran Muthuvel

West New Britain Provincial Member

“PM, good evening , the decision I make today will hurt but I make this decision after carefully analyzing all the challenges, majority of the leaders within our own Pangu and other coalition partners expressing the same view of dissatisfaction about the way we run country’s affairs, as you said nothing is secret , every leader within Pangu and other coalition partners has been meeting and discussing in the last few days about the need for change in leadership.

Some leaders even boasting to see you now and advice you after they calculated the numbers, you know well that this is just the beginning and there are processes and procedures to be followed , but this time I join other likeminded leaders and work with them. As I believe if our intentions are genuine then the result will be genuine and we pray to the Providence to guide us in this and let God’s will prevail ultimately for the good of His people. Please forgive my short comings and wish you God’s blessings.”